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ASPIREKids Charity Event at Pioneer Park

Saturday, October 7, 2023 at Pioneer Park in Somerset, California
Disc golf singles tournament

ASPIREKids Charity Event at Pioneer Park graphic


Tournament DirectorMike Berry
Jodi Mottahsed

About this tournament


1 round at Pioneer Park teeing off at around 9 am.
100% goes to the charity and players will receive a player pack! You can’t beat that deal.
Always seeking donors for player pack items.

ASPIREKids works with schools, therapists and social workers to serve youth that have experienced trauma or live in very low income situations. We do this through five different programs:

STRIVE Scholarships - providing scholarships for normalcy activities such as art, music, school activities, sports, driver's ed and training and many more.

ASPIRE Outfitters - providing 4-5 outfits in a new duffel bag for homeless and low-income teens and children as well as foster youth. When kids have clothes that they feel confident in they are more likely to attend school and will likely perform better while they are there. This program also provides $50 gift cards to Ross to each teen so that they can shop for some items themselves.

The Locker Room - provides athletic equipment to low-income and at-risk youth so that they can participate.

ASPIRE HandsON! - bringing new options for a better future to youth that have experienced challenging beginnings. This is done by bringing speakers to non-traditional schools and taking students on field trips so that they can explore career options that don't overwhelm them with the need of an expensive four-year education.

STRIVE Education Scholarships - High School Scholarships provided to graduating seniors that have experienced trauma or lived in low-income situations to assist them in continuing their education and improving their futures.

More info to come!

Refund policy

Bomber Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


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