C.B. Durant - Spokane Summer Series #1 - High Bridge

PDGA logoSunday, May 5, 2024 at High Bridge Park in Spokane, Washington
XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Want to get some early season sanctioned rounds in without breaking the bank? Spokane Disc Golf Club presents Spokane Summer Series #1 - C.B. Durant at High Bridge Park.

Who? Up to 90 players, including you!
What? A 1-round PDGA sanctioned XC tier supporting your friendly local nonprofit disc golf club. Funds raised will be reinvested in the Spokane disc golf community through activities like course improvements, future tournaments, and increased funds for a scheduled redesign of High Bridge Park disc golf course.
When? Sunday, May 5th, 2024
Where? High Bridge Park, Spokane, WA
Why? To play more disc golf!

Looking for opportunities to get more involved in disc golf in Spokane? Reach out to Spokane Disc Golf Club through one of our officers or on our website: https://www.spokanedgc.com/contact

History: Why is the tournament called C.B. Durant?
C.B. Durant was a local resident who spent time in the 1930s through 1950s managing a car camping area at High Bridge Park. His objectives had similarities to what SDGC does now: every month he would provide an update to the City parks department on how things were going, and he did so through volunteer efforts and at little-to-no cost to the City.

Refund policy

Spokane Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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