2017 Sage Creek Thursday League

April - October 2017 • Memphis, Michigan
Mixed league

Ace pool

as of October 13
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 12, 2017 · Top scores
Sage Creek
2017 Leagues 18 Holes - Varies, 18 holes
-6 48
Brandon GTP
Dan Roberts
-5 49
Jeff Hepler
Dustin Opitz
-5 49
Scott Smith
Donny V
-3 51
Sean Bault
Andrew Steffen
-1 53
Greg Hart
Becca Bault
-1 53
Jay Moran
Matt Johns
Overall standings
1Greg Hart67
2Sean Bault62
3Ducky Faulkner59
4Becca Bault54
4Jay Moran54
6Andrew Steffen48
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/13/17

About this League

Mixed league - 61 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
$5 to course $5 to payouts. With potential of all money going to payouts.(Each week there will be a "spot" set up to throw at the hanging basket, if anyone aces it all money goes to payouts) $5 Ace Pool. Random Doubles. Singles if we have a small turnout. $2 mulligans or 3 for $5 18 hole layout which will vary each week. Safari holes, alternate tees, alternate baskets, etc. May do 24 as we get more daylight and depending on the turnout. I discussed points with Jeff that has been r ...
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